Tuesday, August 24, 2010

And so it begins

  Periodically, life makes sure you don't get too comfortable.  Or complacent, as my bride calls it.  Semantics aside, if someone had asked a year ago where I would be August 2010, graduate school may not have been the last possibility, but you could see the end of the list from where it ranked.  Actually, last was selling security tools for the self-storage industry which, coincidentally, is what I was doing a year ago.  Not that it was a bad job; it was a great job, full of cool people with interesting stories.  But, it had reached the point of being a JOB and who wants one of those.

  Then, my father died, which was not totally unexpected except for the timing.  And, we learned my mother, well, let's just say the cogs are not as well-oiled as they used to be.  It was a curveball that would have made Sandy Koufax jealous.  Yes, that is an old-guy baseball reference and your first assignment if you are not either a baseball historian or spend entirely too much time watching SportsCenter.

  That led to one of those taking stock moments that are usually confined to sappy dramas on Thursday nights at 10pm, 9 o'clock Central (another thing I'm getting used to).  With mom, let's just say the assisted living facility didn't take.  Nice people, peace of mind to a huge degree for us, but calls home became a source of dread rather than enjoyment.  As to the job, would it be any different in two years?  Bigger question - would it even exist in two years? 

  The wheels went into motion:  GRE exam, talking to my boss - who was way cool and supportive over a steak dinner (and I will miss the corporate expense account), and everyone's favorite chore of packing and moving.  The latter provided ample evidence about the value of my previous job; everyone has more stuff than square footage, which is why there are almost as many self-storage operations as fast food stores.  

  And now, we are here - the grad returned to tackle the next rung on the academic ladder, the chief support officer and caregiver embracing new responsibilities, and a cantankerous 79-year old.  For the moment, it's fair to say I am "transitioning" in numerous ways that will be covered in subsequent episodes.  As a great line from a favored comedy of the past went - first, you show up; then see what happens. 

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