Tuesday, July 19, 2011

It is not a deal, it's discrimination

They were actually proud of themselves.  A group of opthalmologists engaging in a self-congratulatory commercial about the free cataract surgeries they had performed for "deserving" people.  What made those folks deserving exactly, beyond (presumably) their inability or unwillingness to pay for the services they received?  What makes them more deserving than anyone else who is doing what they have to do to get by, whether their efforts are wildly successful or marginal?  And, that got me thinking, which anyone who knows me would say is a dangerous thing. 

This business of cutting special deals for folks, based on age or occupation, has a word.  That word is discrimination.  American law forbids businesses from treating customers differently.  That means they CANNOT charge military members or cops or teachers or anyone else less for a product than they charge the general public.  It is a ploy cloaked in self-righteousness, since the beneficiaries are usually public sector employees, often servicemen or first responder types.  No one has more respect for the military than I do, but these "deals" fly directly in the face of the values our fighting men and women are sworn to uphold.  Would they be okay if haircuts cost less for, say, whites or for Baptists?  Of course, not; and they should be just as outraged when the deal works to their advantage. 

This probably dates back to the early-bird specials, which gave way to senior discounts, one of the most ridiculous ideas ever since older folks are the most affluent among us.  Then, some communities that host military installations followed suit, which I found a bit insulting seeing as how I patronized many of those businesses all year long.  Where was my "thank you" for helping owners during deployments?  Where was their loyalty in recognition of mine?  And really, where is a gutsy lawyer when you need one? 

I have made a point of avoiding businesses that offer such discounts.  They are wrong and probably illegal.  But no one says anything.  Just like no one says anything when someone's obnoxious kid makes a fuss while you are trying to have dinner and the parents do nothing.  Because saying something automatically turns the focus on the person speaking up; he becomes the bad guy.  I suspect anyone raising sand here would be painted as anti-military, because one bullet-proof summation of people is that they will attack the messenger long before engaging in a substantive debate about the message.  So, I get to vent here.  And, I get to patronize companies that do not discriminate against those of us who are not seniors.  Or cops.  Or in the military.  Or in some other occupation that certain business owners deem to be more worthy than the rest of us.

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